
Lauren Hernandez DeCrane

Marketing Officer

Lauren Hernandez DeCrane is a marketing strategist and digital marketing expert, specializing in SEO, content strategy, web design, and impactful digital marketing campaigns. With a blend of experience in both the corporate sector and non-profit realms, Lauren’s journey has been marked not only by professional success but also by personal growth and resilience.

Graduating with a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Indianapolis, Lauren has honed her skills in digital communications and IT, using her knowledge to make data-informed decisions that drive success. Her tenure at Indiana University as a Marketing Strategist and her leadership role in the Love & Hope Design project reflect her deep commitment to merging technology with empathy.

Lauren’s passion is in supporting mental health initiatives and non-profit organizations. Having to face and heal through her own mental health challenges, she brings a unique and compassionate perspective to her work, understanding the profound impact of mental health on individuals and communities. This personal connection to advocacy is a driving force in her commitment to using digital marketing as a tool for positive change.

At the core of her approach is a belief in the power of technology to transform lives. Her mission, through this company, is to make marketing technology accessible to non-profits, mental health initiatives, and educational institutions, thereby amplifying their influence and capacity to foster societal well-being.

Lauren’s expertise in crafting digital campaigns and building robust marketing technology infrastructures has positioned her as a leader in the digital marketing space. Her work is not just about promoting brands; it’s about storytelling that resonates, connects, and motivates. It’s about creating digital experiences that reflect the heart and mission of each organization she partners with.

Lauren leads a team dedicated to building marketing technology foundations that empower communities and advocate for mental health. Her vision is clear: to leverage her expertise in digital marketing to make a tangible difference in the world, one campaign at a time.